13 Sep

How To Spot An Addicted Professional

 People often think that professionals who have high-paying jobs and college degrees or high societal status are not likely to be addicts.

But the reverse is the case, as studies have shown that professionals such as doctors, lawyers, attorneys, businessmen/ women, etc. are likely to be addicts.

This is because their jobs require hours of long work and many of them see alcohol or other substances as a means of relief.

With professionals, it is harder to spot addicts than in other cases. This is because they become highly skilled in the act of hiding their addiction to alcohol or any other substance. That is, they still go to work, maintain family relations, and appear as though they are completely fine.

Nevertheless, some indicators help identify an addicted professional, some of which are;

  • Repeated Absence From Work

No matter how skilled a professional is in hiding signs of his/her addiction, constant use of such substance will cause he/she to wear out.

This is lead to absences from work, or random disappearances during the middle of work or even constant calling in sick. If this is happening, then there is the possibility that such a professional is an addict.

  • Reduced Productivity

Addiction will certainly reduce the productivity of an individual. Initially, it seems as though such substance is keeping them hyped to work, but eventually, the system begins to slow down.

Therefore, a medical professional constantly making errors with prescriptions or attorney frequently filing wrong motions could be signs of addiction.

  • Physical Signs

There are also physical signs which indicate that a professional is an addict. Signs such as constant fatigue, slurred speech, pinpoint pupils, messy looks could be indicators of addiction. Therefore, look out for these signs to spot an addicted professional.

In summary, high-earning professionals can also be addicts of drugs or alcohol, and although they excel in masking it, it doesn’t change the fact.

To effectively identify an addicted professional, pay heed to the above-mentioned signs. But note that these are not the only means of spotting an addicted professional, as situations might vary.

6 Sep

Executive Rehab For Top Professionals In The Workspace

Many people struggle with addiction daily and face numerous challenges in acquiring treatment.

For top professionals, a major barrier to treatment is often the ability to be absent from work to engage in alcohol or drug addiction treatment. They are often bothered about losing their jobs if they begin to spend long hours on addiction treatment.

While some top professionals are concerned about the stigma that comes with addiction treatment from colleagues or in the workspace, therefore, they postpone treatment.

Regardless of these fears, addicts must seek treatment, top professionals not excluded. In an attempt to provide a way for top professionals to access rehab treatment without fear of losing their jobs, executive rehab emerged.

Executive rehab is also known as luxury rehab, is a treatment facility that caters to top professionals and executives in the workspace. There are numerous executive rehab facilities in the country, all with different packages.

But essentially, an executive rehab fosters the journey unto sobriety for top professionals, while minimizing the impact of such treatment on their work and personal life.

Executive rehab withholds the identity of its clients or patients. That is, it is highly confidential and protects the status of top professionals in their workspace, especially for those scared of the stigma of addiction treatment.

It also provides an enabling environment for top professionals to work while receiving treatment in the facility for they retain access to their phones.

It also provides top professionals with the executive lifestyle they’re used to, with spas, pools, fitness centers, acupuncture and massage therapy services, etc.

All to ensure top professionals are comfortable and get the best treatment available while on the way to sobriety. Therefore, the existence of executive rehabs encourages top professionals not to postpone treatment because of work responsibilities or workspace stigma.